Data time: 4/16/2024 10:00 AM ET
Monitoring Site
Address: VA Tech Agricultural Research Center
City: Suffolk
Latitude: 36.66525
Longitude: -76.73078
Region: Tidewater
Air Quality Information
Pollutant Concentration Units of Measure
Ozone 46 PPB
HourAQIClassProgramResponsible PollutantActivity CautionRisk Groups
10:0043GoodOzoneOzoneNoneChildren and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.
09:0038GoodOzoneOzoneNoneChildren and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.
08:0033GoodOzoneOzoneNoneChildren and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.
07:0030GoodOzoneOzoneNoneChildren and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.
06:0026GoodOzoneOzoneNoneChildren and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.